Learn about the many ways you can grow in your faith at Highlands Presbyterian Church
Christian Education
Christian education and development at Highlands Presbyterian Church is an ongoing mission. Sunday school is held concurrent with the Sunday services under the leadership of our Education Director. Separate classes are available for teens. Adult Sunday school occurs before the Sunday service, with focus on how we deal with challenges to our faith and how we can practice this faith in the world around us. Additionally, the Sunday School youth take part in special worship services as well as some of the mission activities. At Highlands, we practice intergenerational events that bring members of all ages together.
Women’s Book Club
Women’s Book Club is an opportunity for women of the church to enjoy each other’s company every month or two over a shared loved of books. A book to read and discuss is identified in advance based upon suggestions from participants and have included mysteries/suspense novels, historical fiction, biographies, women’s issues, and a multitude of other literary categories. While there is always discussion of the book, it is also an opportunity for sharing of the participants’ lives and concerns. Book Club meetings are held at various restaurants or at a participant’s home. Participation is regular or irregular as an individual’s schedule allows.
Men’s Business Group
MBG is an opportunity for the men of the church to enjoy each other’s company monthly over a meal at a rotating retinue of restaurants. Conversations are not limited to church, but revolve about football (Buckeyes, Browns, Bengals, Steelers, but not Lions), baseball (usually Cleveland and Cincinnati), Soccer, and Hockey, work, vacations, and children. All in all, we have a good time. Men participate regularly or irregularly as their schedule allows.
Music Program
Highlands Presbyterian Church music program includes a full choir, small vocal groups, handbells, and instrumentalists. The choir started with a small group of members singing unison anthems Christmas eve, 1981. This has evolved over the years, starting a classical music tradition, eventually fielding a choir of 14-20 members, performing the great masters, including Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Britton, others, supplementing the choir with friends of Highlands and volunteers from the Columbus Symphony chorus in concert, accompanied by organ, piano, other various solo instruments, and string ensemble.
Handbells enhance worship several times during the year with selections directed by Carole Evans. A recent ensemble leads off the recording below.
Instrumentalists include organist/pianist, Suzanne Wilson, who has ably accompanied the choir and congregation, while performing solo instrument pieces with great skill. Others include Linda Merchant-Masonbrink on flute accompanied by Suzanne.
Lamb of God Fauve/Petker

Men’s Quartet

“Eternal Father, Strong To Save” (The Navy Hymn) by William Whiting, music by John Dykes, arranged by Paul Sjolund
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